Best coffee in Dubrovnik- Glam Cafe

I’ll say it upfront. Dubrovnik is a magical town. It might have something to do with the history (stretching back to the Middle Ages). It might have something to do with its impressive fortresses (Game of Thrones fan alert). Then it might be about the shockingly clear water and UNESCO World Heritage Status.

Dubrovnik is where we dashed for a dose of sunshine in celebration of a recent birthday milestone of The Hungry One (hint, it ends in a zero).

In the beginning the  brief for the weekend was simple; swim, eat squid, sleep late, drink local spirits,  walk cloistered streets, climb the towering city walls and eat gelato.  Yet it wouldn’t be a trip for The Hungry One if it didn’t involve a search for some decent espresso.

This is where Glam Cafe comes into play. Three quarters of the way along Strandun (the main thoroughfare of the Old Town, purpose designed for passeggiata) is a side street called Palmoticeva. Half way up  this shaded narrow passage is a lantern marking the Glam Cafe.

The inside of Glam is modern; in a youth hostel sort of way. Behind the counter the staff will probably be updating face book. On the benches are fruit baskets with produce ready for smoothies and fresh juices. There are aperol spritzes, beers and local wines on offer. There’s wifi if you need to follow the path of the staff. And there’s coffee.

Cappucinos (13 kuna) are made in true Italian style; gentle marshmallow foam with milk that carts a weak shadow of UHT flavouring.

Espressos (10 kuna)  are sturdy, with a nice cap of crema.

Sit outside and eaves drop on the conversations of the Australian travellers drinking at the wine bar opposite. Then gather yourself. There are city walls to discover, large rocks to potentially leap off,  terraces to climb and hazelnut gelatos to test.

This is a very great town. Being able to find potable coffee is only part of it.

Glam Cafe
Palmoticeva 5, 20000, Croatia

  1. You’re really selling me on Dubrovnik!

  2. You have to check Dolce Vita (Old Town) for best gelato and pancakes in Dubrovnik! 🙂
    Enjoy your time in our beautiful town.

  3. I am so very jealous of all of your travels! Does your job make you travel a lot or are all of these pleasure trips? Either way, you’re so lucky! 🙂

    • Hi Ashley! A little from both columns! Never fear, we are very, very conscious of how lucky we are at the moment.

  4. Look at that beach! Sounds like you’re having a great trip. I may have to add Croatia to my to-visit list.

  5. TheSnorkel on 3 July 2012

    Your photo also shows D’Vino. This is a great place for tasting some of the pretty good Croatian wines – well worth a visit!

  6. I have been telling this to my guests all this summer,best coffee in town,milk shakes,smoothies now they started with Croatian Craft beer,you wanna try Croatian pale ale this is the place,lucky I have apartments in the same street that I rent and I go for a coffee there.Palmoticeva is a great street,Glam,D’vino vine bar,Nishta vegetarian restaurant for my guests and me very convenient and close.Thumbs up,great job Azra and Mateo 🙂

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