ebook: One Month Carb Detox- how I escaped the crutch of white carbs in 30 recipes

Eating low carb doesn’t have to mean grilled chicken and salad.

Maybe you want to lose some weight. Maybe you want more energy. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or one of a host of conditions which benefit from a low carb diet. That doesn’t mean you should miss out on an interesting dinner.

From warm salads with chorizo and coconut, Mediterranean lamb shanks with lemon, to meatballs with gnocchi made from white beans my first ebook is home to 30 innovative recipes to help free yourself from the crutch of white carbohydrates.

Divided into three chapters; lighter suppers and salads, warming stews, curries and braises and a section of sides to match with the protein of your choice, there’s also an easy key to identify vegetarian options.

Fully illustrated and tested by me,  a one time mad lover of bread, pasta and potatoes and now a convert to a low carb lifestyle.

PDF versions of the book are available for download purchase with paypal. The pdf is quite nice on an iPad, with links which let you skip forward and backwards. A kindle version will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly.

For the first two weeks the book will be available for the bargain price of USD$2.99.

Buy the book by clicking on the shopping link below.

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This book is a guide, of 30 recipes to show you how you can free yourself from the crutch of white carbohydrates for dinner. It is not an aggressive attack on potatoes, rice, pasta, bread or carb loving cultures. Heck, I love comfort foods more than anything. They just don’t always love me- and maybe they don’t love you so much either. Maybe you want more energy. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries or one of a gamut of conditions that benefit from a slow/low carbohydrate diet. Maybe you want to drop some weight. Maybe you just want to get a bit more creative in the kitchen. Here’s what I suggest. Read the recipes. Meet some new pulses. Play with some new flavours. Find salads and sides to mix and match with the proteins of your by choice. It’s at this point that I must say; this is not absolutist carb free doctrine. You’ll find some sweeter and starchier vegetables peppered through; a few meals contain corn, peas, carrots, pumpkin or beets. There’s a sly spoon of sugar or flour. This is a moderate approach. Here’s my suggestion. Do it for a month. At the end pick your favourites and insert them into your weekly rotation. That way the next time you have to answer ‘What’s for dinner?’ the default answer isn’t just another version of white stodge.