

Tomato, Tarragon and Sweet Onion Salad

Some things are acquired tastes.  Learning to appreciate them is like adolescence; it can be a spotty time, but once you’re through to the other side a new horizon opens up. For me those tastes were anything bitter or aniseed. The bite of Campari is a prime example. I really came to appreciate it about […]


Best Beds

I am living a fantasy life in my bed at the moment. I close my eyes and I am elsewhere. I’m in Dubrovnik and Cape Town. I’m in the Plaza Athenee in Paris. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with my bed. Unlike the lumpen, shallow distortions we slept on in rental properties in London, […]

Is it Worth It? Flying Pregnant in Cathay Pacific ...

I’m an economy kind of girl when we travel. As much as I have champagne tastes, most of the time we keep to a beer budget- particularly when it comes to flights. (Nb, not that I’m opposed to being upgraded. Once or twice in my life it’s happened, and of course, it’s pretty sublime. It’s […]

La Canta Rana- Is this the best ceviche in Lima?

There is serious food to be eaten in Lima. Beyond the cuy (guinea pig), 3800 varieties of potato and multitude of restaurants from the Godfather of modern Peruvian cooking (Gastón Acurio), there is one thing that should be consumed in great quantities. Ceviche. It is a blessing of a dish. With a heritage that melds […]

Machu Picchu by Train

It’s bucket list stuff. For some people it’s on the life list. For us, it sat on the baby bucket list, that rather selfish collection of  stuff we wanted to try and tick off before we became three. Except that last bit all happened a bit swifter than we anticipated. The majority of folks who […]