
Date and Sesame Bars

  Do you need a new lunch box snack in your life? Do you need something that is nut free/ dairy free/wheat free/ refined sugar free and manages to sneak a sly vegetable into whoever is consuming it? If so, I think I can help. These date and sesame bars may just be what you’re […]

Evie Cookies (Dairy Free Oat, Dried Fruit and Coco...

Are you in need of an easy, refined sugar/dairy/wheat free hipster cookie biscuit that you and yours can easily make and devour? The sort of thing to gift to breastfeeding friends, share over a baby cino with a toddler, or pack up as a portable breakfast? If so, I think I can help. Skip down […]

Butternut Squash, Rosemary and Raisin Spelt Scones

Do you need some butternut squash scones in your life? Here’s a pop quiz to help you figure it out. Do you a) Cast about at 10 am for something to have with a cup of tea? b) Feel like sometimes food should comfort and cosset you, in the way that a hug from your […]

Roasted Red Pepper and White Bean Dip

Sometimes you hear a phrase that resonates like a bell – it tolls on and on in your mind. The one for this week was the ‘Crudites of Futility’. It comes from the 2016 Dictionary of Modern Parenting. The Crudites of Futility are; “A plate of curling carrot batons and shriveled cucumber slices that shouts: […]

Lemon Chickpea Flour Pancakes with Creamed Kale

There are dishes that are bound for breakfast, others that are destined to be lunch. Some, when they’re not eaten for supper taste like sadness (cold pizza eaten for breakfast, I’m looking at you). This is not that sort of dish. If what you need is a vegetarian bounty of greens and gluten free deliciousness […]