
Kid Approved Six Vegetable, Pear and Pulse ‘...

Are you after a way to shovel a few more vegetables into the people you love (yourself included) that doesn’t include kitchen pantomimes or bribes? Are you after a strapping soup/stew, that can also be blended into a nifty alternative for ‘red sauce’ that gilds pizza, pasta and lots of other comfort food staples? Are […]

Roasted Red Pepper and White Bean Dip

Sometimes you hear a phrase that resonates like a bell – it tolls on and on in your mind. The one for this week was the ‘Crudites of Futility’. It comes from the 2016 Dictionary of Modern Parenting. The Crudites of Futility are; “A plate of curling carrot batons and shriveled cucumber slices that shouts: […]


Almond tarator with salmon, courgette and mint (ou...

Does anyone ever eat at their own wedding? I’m coming to grips with the fact it was four years ago I picked out these flowers for my brideslaves. Four years ago that we smiled shyly like this. And four years ago that I wrote this about wedding food. There’s no pressure ok? You just have […]


Basil rocket dressing

There are lots of things I miss about  Sydney (and its lack of hooded youths trawling the streets sacking shops for kicks is just one of them). Back home our flat had a balcony.  On that balcony we had cavernous steel pots filled with fresh herbs. They had varying success rates.  Wild rocket and basil […]


Chimichurri- outsourced sauciness

Something a little saucy and full of life hasn’t gone astray in this house in the last week. As my niece would say, somewhat forlornly;  ‘I’ve got a big cough’. It’s a car rattling, lion roaring, breath stealing kind of hack. It’s really attractive, I promise you. The last time I had a cough this […]