Sometimes you hear a phrase that resonates like a bell – it tolls on and on in your mind. The one for this week was the ‘Crudites of Futility’. It comes from the 2016 Dictionary of Modern Parenting. The Crudites of Futility are; “A plate of curling carrot batons and shriveled cucumber slices that shouts: […]
gluten free
There are recipes that are the edible equivalent of a hand knitted reindeer jumper, gifted to you from your grandmother. That is, cosseting, nostalgic and a little bit too twee for smart public consumption. This is one of those recipes. If what you need is a coincidentally gluten free, not-too indulgent pudding for a school […]
There are dishes that are bound for breakfast, others that are destined to be lunch. Some, when they’re not eaten for supper taste like sadness (cold pizza eaten for breakfast, I’m looking at you). This is not that sort of dish. If what you need is a vegetarian bounty of greens and gluten free deliciousness […]
Do you need a nifty slow carbohydrate side dish for pulled pork, sticky grilled chicken or slow braised beef? Rephrase; do you need a side in your repertoire which is not sweet potato wedges, hasselback potatoes (as fun as they are to make- and say), or a well intentioned tumble of roast root vegetables, quinoa […]
Cherry Ripple Coconut Custard (and Popsicles) If you’re having the sort of day that can only be fixed by an iced lolly, or a cosseting bowl of custard, skip straight to the recipe at the bottom. The fact that it’s dairy free/ paleo friendly/ refined sugar free/ toddler endorsed is just a bonus. What you […]