Eating out – Paris


Paris picks and pilgrimages

Ten days in Paris. It’s not a movie, not a song- it’s the first step of a honeymoon. Now that we’re safely south we can look back on it with some perspective. There were some wins, some absolute must dos and some things that I probably only needed to do once- Friday night at the […]


An apple a day

I’ll admit- I’ve had a checkered history when it comes to apples. There used to be a little red delicious propped every day in my lunch box next to a ham sandwich. I’d say about 50% of the time I ate it. The proportion that I ate it was in an inversere relationship to the […]


How do you behave in a palace?

It’s hard to know how to behave in a palace. We’ve been to two in recent days and it seems like we’re not the only ones who are coming to terms with it. You’re not really sure if you should whisper or step lightly, consider each wall before moving on, or if you should document […]



What oh what do you wear to one of the coolest places you’ve ever read about, let alone contemplated going? I thought it was a difficult task when one of the brideslaves, heading a significant group of very generous friends asked me to nominate a restaurant in Paris. You see, they’d like to club in […]