Is there anything more welcoming than an omelette and a glass of wine? To make an omelette is a life skill. Elizabeth David may have her detractors, but she was right about its steadying properties. I’ve been making a lot of omelettes lately. I’ve been teaching a goat cheese and basil version to my neighbour […]
I’m thinking a lot about Dads today. As one of my best friends goes through hell and we sit with our hearts in our throats, hoping to heaven that hers will be fine, the first thing I was compelled to do today was call mine. Like hers, mine is a very good egg. He’s dashing […]
Is there a difference between the food boys and girls are drawn to? (Perhaps we can leave an interrogation about the perils of essentialising gender identities to the end.) It’s a notion that gets bandied around this house quite a bit. “That’s girl food” is the retort that comes from The Hungry One. It’s usually […]
This is a bastardisation of tapas, and of tortilla. For one; tapas usually involves plates (note the plural). Meanwhile this dish uses just one. It’s also a bastardisation of a tortilla. Tortilla normally appears as tall wedges of omelette, buxom with slices of potato and other cheerful things. This one is a little flat chested. […]
I’m not bad at wrapping presents. From the ages 14-17 I worked after school at Kenny’s Cardiology. NB Kenny’s had nothing to do with medical research. It’s a card and gift store. I became well equipped at pointing people towards blank sympathy cards. I knew when someone dolefully needed to find the special dedicated ‘belated […]