To produce something good, you have to occasionally break a few eggs. And to make something spectacular, you’ll need to make a bit of a mess. This kind of mess. There are certain occasions that call for blueberry pancakes. A celebration of sort. Maybe it’s a promotion. Maybe it’s a birthday. Maybe, just because it’s […]
Yesterday our kitchen was transformed. When I asked if a very talented friend might help film a recipe from the low/slow carb ebook I’m not quite sure what I was expecting. Perhaps a steady hand to hold a camera. Someone to do a close up or two of the pot while I was stirring. I […]
Antidotes to inexplicable grumpiness: Inexplicable grumpiness def: a slight emotional fizzing and hissing; when things just grate. Often the sky seems tilted and objects in your path take on a pale orange sheen of reflected fury. Exacerbated by the sound of sniffing, garbage trucks and the smell of salt cod from the neighbours. It may […]
What makes you happy? It’s a solid question for soppy days. (It’s also a lovely documentary.) Here it goes, in no particular order: the smell of fresh basil (particularly if it comes from the new herb pot on your balcony). The sound of rain on a roof when I’m not soaking wet. Horses. The sight […]
It would be tempting to revert to same old, same old. Cue: Birthday card. Dinner out. Cake. *Hurrah* Each year The Hungry One requests the same thing for his birthday. “Just…. maybe, some black forest cake?” Except there’s only so many ways we can make that cookie crumble. We’ve had this layered construction of cherry […]