
Ultimate Raspberry Apple Crumble

We moved. Exhale. Some sources will cite moving house as one of the top five sources of stress; clubbed together with death, divorce, job loss and major illness (quick aside- surely birth, plumbing emergencies and protracted entanglements with the legal system should get a glimpse in there?) It was relatively painless. There were no oceans […]

Quinoa Bircher Muesli

I have become something of a bircher muesli connoisseur lately. There are some great ones in Sydney. Exhibit a) The ‘Morning Jumble’ breakfast platter at Bread and Circus wholefood canteen in Alexandria has a strapping bowl of it, studded with goji berries alongside a pot of yoghurt with pomegranate seeds and fruit.   Exhibit b) […]

Raspberry, Apple, Almond Ricotta Loaf

There’s nothing like a solid friend. The sort who you can Skype at 7 am while you still have creases from a pillow wedged onto your cheek. The ones who offer to come over and sort through shipping boxes and sip a cup of tea, rather than go out for a spiffy lunch. They’re the […]

Emergency Apple Tart

I don’t have much with me at the moment. I’m surrounded by half opened boxes, yawning suitcases and the ghosts of my former self.  There’s a curious meeting going on, between my urgent need to nest and have things clean, ordered and tidy, and the old me; the one who didn’t really cull things properly […]

Poached Salmon with Beetroot, Grains, Apple and Ho...

Sometimes it’s wise to listen to your body. Yesterday I was trying hard to hear what mine was saying. I could have sworn in the afternoon it was muttering ”duck, duck’. I had an overwhelming urge to sequester myself in the corner of our local Chinese restaurant with a whole Peking glazed bird, a duvet […]