Oats. Oats and beer. And brewer’s yeast. And grilled chicken. And boiled eggs. And green leafy vegetables. And pulses. And almonds. Plus some naturopathic drops which taste suspiciously like Fernet Branca. Then there’s fenugreek tea, which leaves you smelling like you stumbled out of a Brick Lane curry house late on a Saturday night. And […]
There’s nothing like a solid friend. The sort who you can Skype at 7 am while you still have creases from a pillow wedged onto your cheek. The ones who offer to come over and sort through shipping boxes and sip a cup of tea, rather than go out for a spiffy lunch. They’re the […]
I have been reduced to two functioning gears. If I was a car, I’d be tempted to put myself in for an emergency service. There is ‘go’; a slightly frenzied manic pace which sees me hunched over scrubbing the kitchen sink, dumping everything out of my hospital bag and then repacking it again and folding […]
I am quite keen on cutting corners. My sister will never let me forget that in my fledgling years I persisted on wearing my nightgown the wrong way out every second night. It made sense to me. Once I’d shirked it over my head in the morning, it inverted itself. And so a labour saving […]
Oh to have thick skin. It’s got to be a good thing. For one, less bruises, papercuts and scrapes. Another, perhaps less chance of an infuriating tiny patch of pregnancy hormone induced eczema that is fetching me from sleep every morning without fail, sometime between 3.32 and 3.48 am (too much information? Possibly). But on […]