If you need to cling to summer, this is the recipe for you. This is the not-quite-succotash, mango and coconut scented, crisp bowl of frivolity that is guaranteed to lift your spirits. If your need for it (and for something to help employ the left over cold breast of chicken from yesterday’s roast) is acute, […]
40 weeks of feasting
Everybody needs more midweek staples. I’m talking about the sorts of things you can pull hazily from the freezer, stash away in the oven and then sit down to a warm bowl of comfort thirty minutes later. If you need another one to add to the rotation, that is thrifty, hearty and a whole food […]
Sometimes you hear a phrase that resonates like a bell – it tolls on and on in your mind. The one for this week was the ‘Crudites of Futility’. It comes from the 2016 Dictionary of Modern Parenting. The Crudites of Futility are; “A plate of curling carrot batons and shriveled cucumber slices that shouts: […]
Do you feel like you should eat more vegetables? Do you get a niggle that perhaps you should eat more sustainable oily fish like sardines, despite the fact that you’re often overwhelmed by their smell? Do you sometimes have an overwhelming craving for pickled ginger? Are you stuck in a lunch time rut which either […]
There are recipes that are the edible equivalent of a hand knitted reindeer jumper, gifted to you from your grandmother. That is, cosseting, nostalgic and a little bit too twee for smart public consumption. This is one of those recipes. If what you need is a coincidentally gluten free, not-too indulgent pudding for a school […]